Monsanto To Back A Federal Marijuana
Decriminalization Bill – Just In Time To Introduce Its New Super-Hybridized Pot
legalization advocates can count on the support of perhaps their strangest bedfellow
to date: The International seed and herbicide manufacturing giant,
Monsanto. According to a Monsanto
spokesman, Monsanto has pledged to put money and political muscle behind the
popular issue.
as “major contributing factors” behind the corporation’s unprecedented decision
are the recent legalization of recreational marijuana in the states of Washington
and Colorado, and the legalization of medical marijuana in 17 other states plus
the District of Columbia.
the rapidly-increasing state recognition of the medicinal virtues of marijuana
and cannabinoids, its reclassification and/or removal from the Federal list of
banned substances is all but inevitable.
Our corporation’s goal has always been the production of leading seed
brands in both large and small-acre crops, with the world’s most innovative
in-the-seed trait technologies. We view
the cultivation of marijuana as a revolutionary opportunity for a new product
line,” says corporate spokesman Walter Mattias.
of cannabis use often point to the fact that it contains approximately 483
chemical compounds, and the effects of many of these compounds on the human
body is virtually unknown; However, Monsanto appears to have a counter for
this. Though details about Monsanto’s
so-called “Super-Hybridized Marijuana Seeds” are currently closely-guarded
corporate secrets, an interview with Monsanto’s Chief of Technology, Dr. Robert
T. Fraley revealed some basic information.
Robert T. Fraley states, “Our hybridization of cannabis sativa and cannabis indica
has created a unique strain of marijuana that contains considerably less trace compounds
and a substantially higher percentage of cannabinoids, specifically tetrahydrocannabinol
and cannabidiol, two of the major constituents of medical cannabis. The result is a much purer product with far
fewer trace chemicals than any variety that has heretofore been studied. Our seeds produce only the female version of
the plants, and these plants are hardier, more temperature tolerant and less
light-dependent than traditional varieties.”
Earl Blumenauer, D-Oregon, co-author of the Federal Marijuana Decriminalization
bill was asked his feelings on being backed by the vast financial might and
peerless technological prowess of the global corporation. He responded, “We are in the process of a
dramatic shift in the marijuana policy landscape. The support of a corporate powerhouse like
Monsanto further legitimizes all of the positive claims and proven scientific
benefits of cannabis.”
Lol Monsanto idiots I hope they do create a super strain.When we get those seeds they created & spent millions to create we are going to take those female plants and clone & silver nitrate those baby's to grab the genetics for ourselfs . let's see how long Monsanto and other companys can last when they enter our game, The game that we and our fallen mentors have been in and running our whole lifes. Good luck Monsanto the courts and pity laws won't be able to save you once you enter our game ... Boots